We have a winner! – July 25, 2012

It didn’t take long for the second set of photo clues to give us a correct answer! “Geoff” hit the nail on the head with “OpenROV” (We would have also accepted ROV or Submarine).

For those unfamiliar with the OpenROV concept – The OpenROV is an open source underwater robot designed to be easy to use and cheap to build. Here is a great video from One World One Ocean on the OpenROV.


[youtube video_id=”MvzyWk4lMc8″]


We will continue to post photos, updates and videos on The Workshop page as our project progresses!  Also, be sure to check out the OpenROV website for more photos, videos, and information on the OpenROV.

While on the subject, here are a few additional photos of the project as of yesterday.


The servo has been mounted to allow the camera to pan up and down 180 degrees.







The camera has been mounted on a removable slide, currently we are using a Microsoft LifeCam-5000 removed from its case.



The first vision from the ROV. The blue reflection in the top right corner is caused by the status LED on the camera – which should be easy to resolve!






