September 24, 2013

Emerging Objects – Learn about Arduino and Electronics!

What is Emerging Objects?

Emerging objects is a kit and class combination recently released by Sparkle Labs. The kit and class are designed to teach the basics of electronics and programming and will allow anyone to start from a blank slate and develop their very own Arduino based interactive object!

The kit is now available through the BC Robotics online store and includes an Arduino Uno, LEDs, a Breadboard, Jumper Wires, Resistors, a USB cable, and a Photo Resistor. For a limited time we are also offering a voucher for the online class in each kit! (A $25.00 Value!)

The class consists of 15 Video lessons and is designed to be done at your leisure. Starting with basic electronics, the course progresses through basic programming and on to the final project: an interactive night light. At the end of the program you will have a device that can be further expanded upon to add different sensors and other components as well as the skills needed to begin designing and building your very own projects!

To find out more about the Emerging Objects program please visit its product page!